Range 1: 0 to 8 V, 0 to 3 A
Range 2: 0 to 15 V, 0 to 2 A
Power (large value): 30W
Voltage rms: 200µ V
Peak to peak voltage: 2 mV
0.01% 2 mV
Voltage: 10 mV
Current: 10 mA
The DC power supply of DOBE Foundation provides basic characteristics and is suitable for users with tight budgets. E3610A-E3617A 30-60 W single output power supply is small in shape and suitable for bench testing. It also features low noise, excellent modulation, and dual range output (E3610A/11A/12A). Keysight E3610A 30W single output power supply is a reliable and convenient desktop power supply that can provide stable performance and various basic and enhanced functions.
Copyright Shenzhen Zhongtai Instrument Co., Ltd. Tel.: 0755-23084885 Fax: 0755-23000265
Contact: Mr. Xiao 13760200976 Mr. Yang 13760220079
E-mail: zhongtaiyq@163.com Address: Room 1002, Guangfu Business Building, Baoyuan Road, Bao'an West Township, Shenzhen