Agilent 8563E | HP8563E | HP-8563E HP | Spectrum Analyzer | 30Hz to 26.5GHz
Brand: Agilent Agilent HP
Product information:
8560E series spectrum analyzer
The 8560E series portable spectrum analyzer has the measurement capability and performance that are usually available on larger and more expensive desktop analyzers. The 8560E series combines outstanding phase noise, sensitivity, 1Hz resolution bandwidth, large dynamic range and other functions into a solid Category 3 military case, so that it can adapt to harsh environmental conditions.
Functions applicable to RF communication
The ability to measure the adjacent channel power (ACP) of today's wireless phones, pagers and other transmitters is an important part of the development and production process. 8560E series spectrum analyzer uses digital modulation such as NADA-TDMA, GSM, DET, CT2-CAI, PDC and PHS to provide a complete solution for APC test of burst carrier signal. Many difficulties in the implementation of the established standards have been discussed. The implementation of the standards provides fast, accurate and easy to use APC measurement capabilities. The 8563E option E35ACPR tester can measure W-CDMA adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) in a dynamic range of as little as 70dB.
Technical indicators
Frequency range (internal mixing):
8563E:9kHz~26.5GHz; 30Hz ~ 26.5GHz (option 006)
8564E:9kHz~40GHz; 30Hz~40GHz (option 006)
8565E:9kHz~50GHz; 30Hz ~ 50GHz (option 006)
Frequency range (external mixing): 18GHz~325GHz divided into 12 waveguide bands (not provided by 8560E option 002)
Another feature of the standard is that it can measure the bandwidth occupied from 0.10% to 99.99%.
Another characteristic of the standard is timing gating signal analysis, which makes it easy to measure time-varying signals such as pulse RF signal, time division multiple access (TDMA) signal, interleaved signal and burst modulation signal. 85902A burst carrier trigger can provide TTL trigger signal.
The technical indicators of the 8560E series have been improved. Now we can get better phase noise, sensitivity, dynamic range and frequency response from this high-performance portable spectrum analyzer series.
The 8562E spectrum analyzer provides 13.2GHz frequency range, which increases the dynamic range and the ability of third-order interception (TOI). This enables wireless communication engineers to test high-performance components in the burst operation system.
With the HP85672A parasitic response measurement program, users can quickly and conveniently test the parasitic response with the 8560E series spectrum analyzer.
Fast digital resolution bandwidth
The resolution bandwidth of 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100Hz is realized digitally, which makes the scanning speed of 8560E series spectrum analyzer 3~600 times faster than that possible with equivalent analog filter. A waveform factor as narrow as 5:1 allows easy observation of adjacent low-level signals. The digital bandwidth also provides the spectrum analyzer with a full 100dB screen calibrated display.
PC software for 8560 series
The new AgilEntBEnchLink spectrum analyzer PC software can establish a convenient data communication link between PC and 8560 series spectrum analyzer. By making full use of Windows interface, users can easily transfer screen image or trace data through GBIB interface, so that they can obtain, analyze and record the measurement results on PC.
Precise frequency and amplitude
Use the built-in frequency counter to accurately measure the frequency. The aging rate is 1× 10-7/year standard precision frequency reference and 1Hz counter resolution provide confidence in measurement accuracy. At 1GHz, it can reach± after 15 minutes of preheating; 135Hz frequency accuracy.
The uncertainty of amplitude measurement can be reduced by using the characteristics of AMPCOR. AMPCOR can input up to 200 amplitude correction points to offset the sources of amplitude uncertainty, such as cable loss, preamplifier gain and frequency response of spectrum analyzer. After the correction data table is made, the amplitude with the power meter as the reference can be read directly on the spectrum analyzer display.
Digital fast time domain scanning
Digital fast time domain (zero scan width) scanning makes use of marking, trace mathematical processing, trace storage and obtaining hard copy output for such measurements as rise/fall time, pulse width and time between events.
8560E and 8561E RF spectrum analyzer
The 8560E and 8561E provide excellent performance for RF design, manufacturing and maintenance applications. The frequency range of the 8560E is 30 Hz~2.9 GHz, and the 8561E expands this range to 6.5 GHz. Both use synthetic tuning for drift free accurate measurement.
8562E RF spectrum analyzer
8562E is a high-performance spectrum analyzer, which provides the frequency and dynamic range required for current high-speed digital wireless communication applications, and also enables manufacturing and development engineers to test network components with advanced performance. 8562E has 30Hz~13.2
GHz frequency range, thus covering the parasitic signal search range specified by some authoritative standardization organizations in Europe and the United States.
8563E microwave spectrum analyzer
8563E extends the excellent characteristics and functions of 8560E series RF spectrum analysis to the microwave frequency range. The 8563E has a standard frequency range of 9KHz~26.5GHz (from 2.75GHz to 26.5GHz if preselected), and has optional low-end frequency coverage from low to 30Hz. The noise figure performance of 8563E mirror frequency enhanced and double balanced harmonic mixer is similar to that of fundamental wave mixer front-end.
8564E and 8565E millimeter wave spectrum analyzer
Whether you want to measure the total harmonic of a 15GHz oscillator or the sideband noise of a 38GHz carrier, 8564E and 8565E make spectrum analysis easier than ever. The whole work of measuring signals in the range of 30Hz~50GHz requires a coaxial connection. Pre selection reduces mirror frequency signals and multiple responses at higher frequencies to a minimum.
The frequency range of 8564E is 9KHz~40GHz, and that of 8565E is 9KHz~50GHz. Both have optional low end coverage as low as 30Hz. If it is above 2.75GHz, it will be preselected.
8563E E35 adjacent channel power ratio tester
The dynamic range of adjacent channel power measurement can be increased by combining the special option E35 with the 8561E/62E/63E/64E/65E spectrum analyzer. For the system with 900KHz or greater protection band between channels, option E35 uses another first frequency converter mixer with customized filtering to increase the dynamic range of ACPR measurement of the spectrum analyzer to at least 70dB. This can meet the needs of the newly established W-CDMA technical specification. The control menu is combined into the function keys of the spectrum analyzer to make the tester easy to use.
11970 series and 11974 series millimeter wave mixers
For millimeter wave measurement 1, 11974 series mixers are used, and the preselected frequency can be extended to 75GHz. The non preselected frequency range can be expanded to 110GHz with 11970 series mixers, and to 325GHz with mixers from other manufacturers.
85620A mass memory module
This standard plug-in module adds the function of a special measurement card, memory sufficient to store 100 traces, memory card function and computer function without the need for an external controller. Establish complex measurement programs and store them on the memory card as single key measurements, or in the 128KBRMA with backup battery in the module. The clock/calendar and automatic storage and execution functions can configure the spectrum analyzer for unattended automatic measurement.
5629B test and regulation module
This 8560E, 8561E and 8563E accessory (limited to HP8562E/64E) makes it easier to maintain the spectrum analyzer. The module can be inserted into the back panel of the instrument to automate high-level diagnosis, self-test and adjustment steps. It can perform more than 1000 troubleshooting adjustments. Because the module controls the internal settings of the analyzer and the external test equipment, the reset is fast and accurate.
85710A special card for digital communication measurement
The 85710A digital universal measurement special card is customized for the use of 8560E series spectrum analyzer in digital communication. It includes five agency masks for testing to meet Federal Communications Commission (FCC), UK and FRG specifications. The mask comparison function can characterize the spectrum emission. Other functions include average power level, instantaneous analysis monitoring and frequency response measurement. You can also create and store your own custom masks.
1 The frequency of 8560E with option 002 cannot cover the millimeter wave band
85671A Phase Noise Measurement Utility
This downloadable program converts the 8560E series spectrum analyzer into a phase noise tester. It eliminates the task of drawing phase noise map by hand. In order to measure the phase noise of the oscillator, the phase noise dBc/Hz can be plotted as a function of logarithmic frequency deviation without manually tuning to multiple frequency deviations. Other high efficiency features include direct readout phase noise, variable filtering (used to control the adjustment between measurement repeatability and speed), calculated RMS noise (displayed in radians or degrees), point frequency measurement (phase noise measurement on a single frequency offset), and digital hard copy and storage.
85672A Parasitic Response Measurement Utility
85672A is a downloadable program on the card, which can be directly inserted into any 8560E series spectrum analyzer. This new test utility provides fast and convenient parasitic response test function for all high-performance spectrum analysis of AgilEnt. Because of this single button scheme, the test preparation time of manufacturing and R&D engineers is greatly reduced. The 85672A provides five test programs; Third order intermodulation component/third order interception (TOI), harmonic and total harmonic distortion (THD), discrete parasitic signal sideband, large range parasitic signal search, and various mixing components.
Scalar network analysis function
Both the 85640A tracking generator and the built-in tracking generator available for the 8560E cover the frequency range of 300KHz~2.9GHz.
General indicators
Environmental indicators
Military indicators: in line with Category 3 military solid case standard
Calibration cycle: 2 years (8560E/61E/62E/63E); 1 year (8564E/65E)
Warm up time: 5 minutes under normal environmental conditions
Temperature: - 10 deg;~ 55 ℃ (during operation)- 51°~ 71 ℃ (when not working)
Humidity: 95%, lasting for 5 days at 40 ℃
Water resistance: impermeable under the rainfall of 16 L/h/ft2
Height: 15000 feet (when working); 50000 feet (when not working)
Pulse impact (half sine): 30g, lasting for 11ms
Transport trailer: 8-inch trailer with 6 sides and 8 corners
Electromagnetic compatibility: conducted and radiated interference complies with CISPR Pub.11 (1990). Except some
In addition, all indexes meet MIL-STD-461 C part4 standard.
Test with bandwidth, adjacent channel power, signal power and time gating.
Copyright Shenzhen Zhongtai Instrument Co., Ltd. Tel.: 0755-23084885 Fax: 0755-23000265
Contact: Mr. Xiao 13760200976 Mr. Yang 13760220079
E-mail: Address: Room 1002, Guangfu Business Building, Baoyuan Road, Bao'an West Township, Shenzhen